


① BBC英国史(15集全,中英双语字幕)






在2015年1月份举行的金球奖颁奖典礼上,影星兼导演于一身的乔治 克鲁尼(George Clooney)荣获终身成就奖。现年55岁的乔治 克鲁尼当天还戴着一块印有“我是查理”字样的胸牌。他发表了充满自嘲的获奖感言,调侃自己失去的金球奖奖项比获得的多。



“It’s always fun to come here and catch up (联络感情、打照面)with old friends and, now that we’ve seen that everyone’s been hacked(被黑客侵入,指最近朝鲜报复Sony电影公司出品的The Interview电影,黑了大导演、大明星的邮箱), it’s also a good chance for us to meet face-to-face and apologize(道歉) for all the snarky things(坏话) we’ve said about each other,” he joked.

学习点:美国人发言开场白通常都会开个小玩笑。除非特别正式的场合,不然总统发言都会有一个funny opening. 通常开的都是下面听众的玩笑,当然要在直到他们不介意的基础下。

For the record(俚语。经常是公共场合发言,发言者要特别强调一点,而且要大家记住他说过这个话时会先说的): If you are in this room, you’ve caught the brass ring(俚语,得奖的意思),” said Clooney. “You get to do what you’ve always dreamed to do and be celebrated for it, and that just... it ain’t losing(it ain't...是非常地道的美国口语说法,其实就是it isn't...这里it ain't losing可以说是人生赢家的意思). I don’t remember what awards Lauren Bacall won. I just remember her saying, ‘You know how to whistle, Steve? You just put your lips together and blow.’ And I have no idea what kind of hardware Robin Williams took home. But I sure remember “carpe diem”(拉丁语,活在当下、珍惜此刻) and, ‘Seize the day(和carpe diem一个意思), boys. Make your lives extraordinary(活出不同凡响的人生).’ I never forget that.”

学习点:美国人也很谦虚嘛。大叔男神虽然自己得奖,但是用了两位过世的好莱坞前辈Lauren Bacall和Robin Williams的例子说明carpe diem, live extraordinary的重要性。同时也对两位前辈致敬。

“I’ve had a pretty good year myself,” he said. “Listen: It’s a humbling (让人谦虚的) thing when you find someone to love—even better when you’ve been waiting your whole life(真爱等了一辈子!此处听到无数女粉心碎声). And when your whole life is 53 years, Amal, whatever alchemy(神气的力量、魔力) it is that brought us together(把我们带到一起), I couldn’t be more proud(自豪到极限) to be your husband.”

“And one last thing(最后要说的,这个属于比较口语的说法。要正式一点儿可以说'last but not least', 'finally', 'lastly'): To reiterate(强调、重申) what we’ve all been talking about, today was an extraordinary(大叔很爱用这个词啊) day,” said Clooney. “There were millions of people who marched(游行) not just in Paris, but around the world(这里看到口语里不一定非得not only, but also, 也可以not just, but). And they were Christians and Jews and Muslims. They were leaders of countries all over the world. And they didn’t march in protest(抗议); they marched in support(支持) of the idea that we will not walk in fear. We won’t do it. So, Je Suis Charlie(法语‘我是查理'的意思。法国查理周刊记者被枪杀后支持者的口号). Thank you.”

学习点: 最后把发言上升到humanity(人性)的高度,这就是永远的男神大叔乔治克鲁尼。


Thank you. I can’t tell you what an honor it is to be up here. I thought they were going to roast me,  but to be up here on this stage with Jules and Don — I spent such a long part of my life and career with them, and it’s been an unbelievable honor to watch them grow and mature. And it’s probably been fun for them to watch me not grow and not mature over the same period of time.

Thank you to the Hollywood Foreign Press. You have always been very kind to me. Thank you for keeping small films alive. Big ones do fine. It’s the little ones that need an audience. We want to find our “Birdman.” Now it is always fun to come here and catch up with old friends and now that we’ve seen that everybody has been hacked it’s also a good chance for us to meet face to face and apologize for all the snarky things we said about each other. I’m sorry, Don.

So after coming here for several years and having lost a great – much more than I won, you start to see a pattern that happens on nights like this. Alright, so you’re on your way in and you’re at the red carpet and you’re a nominee, everybody is congratulating you. I mean, you’re on top of the world. Literally, everybody. And then within a couple of hours, four out of the five of you don’t win. Literally, 80 percent of the people in this room don’t win. And then you are a loser. And I’m telling you, you go to the after-party and nobody will look you in the eyes. You go to work the next day and the guys in the crew come over like, “I’m sorry, pal. Get them next time.” For the record: If you are in this room, you’ve caught the brass ring. You get to do what you’ve always dreamed to do and be celebrated for it, and that just, it ain’t losing.

I don’t remember what awards Lauren Bacall won. I just remember her saying “You know how to whistle Steve, just put your lips together and blow.” And I have no idea what kind of hardware Robin Williams took home but I sure remember carpe diem and “Seize the day boys, make your lives extraordinary.” I’ll never forget that.

So congratulations to all of you for having a very good year. I’ve had a pretty good year myself. And I’m not just referring to the fabulous reviews of “The Monuments Men.” (turns to Don Cheadle) I’ll get you back. Listen, it’s a humbling thing when you find someone to love. Even better if you’ve been waiting your whole life and when your whole life is 53 years. Amy, start the jokes. Amal, whatever alchemy it is that brought us together I couldn’t be more proud to be your husband.

And just one last thing I would say is just to reiterate what we have all been talking about today was an extraordinary day. There were millions of people that marched not just in Paris but around the world. And they were Christians and Jews and Muslims. They were leaders of countries all over the world and they didn’t march in protest. They marched in support of the idea that we will not walk in fear. We won’t do it. Je suis Charlie. Thank you.

好的 ,谢谢大家。







我敢负责任地告诉你,当你再去参加颁奖后的派对,根本没人会拿正眼瞧你。第二天你去上班的时候,所有的工作人员都会安慰你,“很遗憾,明年继续努力”,“我看好你哦”之类的...... 事实上,今天来到这里,你就已经是一个成功者了。







